
Monday, May 3, 2010

April showers bring May Flowers!!

I wrote this a while back...but had a hard time posting the sorry this is a little dated...I will work on getting one with more recent pictures here soon!!!

Holy Moly!!! How the time is flying for the Steinlage Family!!! We have been super busy the last month and half, but things are slowly starting to slow down as the school year is starting to come to a close. Wade has kept us busy many week nights and weekends with baseball and softball games!! Whitney and I have enjoyed watching the games either in the press box (when it was super cold and rainy) or behind the outfield with a blanket and lots of sun!!!

Along with Wade's games, we have also been busy with my coaching soccer! Between practices and games along with Wade's games, we are very excited to have a night during the week when we are both home before 9!!! However, the last home softball and baseball games have been played as William Penn is finishing the school year this week and we can only worry about Grinnell's soccer taking up our time. The girls love having Whitney up there and call her "wildabeast." They names her this last year when we found out we were pregnant! They knew we were going to name the baby starting with a "W" so that is the name they came up with! Whitney has a very cute orange hat and black bow along with a Grinnell Tiger shirt (pictures will come later).

At the end of March, she got to hang out with Uncle Jade for a couple days while he stayed with us a couple of days on his way home from College. It was super nice to have him here!!! Whitney sure does like hanging out with her Uncle!!! The beginning of April, we spent the weekend at Wade's family and Whitney was able to take part in her very first Easter Egg Hunt. Although, she didn't get to enjoy any of the yummy candy (we left it for the other kids), she was super cute in her Easter Dress. Daddy also got her a huge Bunny Card and some pretty cool sunglasses.

She also enjoyed her very first Jazz Playoff game and mom yelling at the TV, cheering on the Jazz!! She spent most of the time talking to Grandma about the game and telling her how crazy mom is!!!

Along with sports keeping us busy, we have been busy with work. I have been subbbing lots and lots and although the money is very nice... I do miss spending time with Whitney and enjoy when I don't have to sub!!! Whitney continues to grow and get bigger every day!!! On her 3 month birthday, we moved her from our room to her own room! She started sleeping in her crib and after the first night, has done wonderful about sleeping in there! She loves her mobile and Primary Song CD. She usually falls asleep right when we put her down (we are very lucky!!!!) She has started to roll over, although this happens only when she feels like it!! She DOESN'T like being on her stomach and hence doesn't always want to roll over!! However, when she does roll over...she gets the biggest smile on her face!!! She has also started sitting up (obviously us sitting her up!!!), but she can hold her self up, but after a little while, slowly falls over until her chest is on the floor!!! Very cute!!! She loves watching TV and listening to music and has started to grab at things and hold and play with them. Whitney is also a drooler!!! She can soak an entire shirt within a few minutes!! We continue to watch for a tooth as drooling and chewing constantly is usually a sign...but nothing yet!!! She continues to amaze each and every day!!! We know that we are so very lucky to have such a calm and happy baby!!! We hope all is well with everyone and will try to do a better job of keeping this better updated!!! :)

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