
Monday, October 25, 2010

Steinlage Summer and Fall...2010!!! has been a very long time since I last updated this!!! This will tell everyone just how busy things have been the last several months!!!

We ended clear back in May as Wade was finishing up school and I was finishing up the school year with subbing and coaching soccer. Wade and Whitney spent many nights at soccer games watching the Grinnell Tigers play soccer!! The girls loved having Whitney around and she of course loved hanging out with them and their moms who would come over and steal here every once in a while. We unfortunately lost in the semi's of regionals to end our soccer season. Although it was sad to be done, it was nice to officially start our very busy summer!!
The next day, Whitney and I packed up the car and drove out to Idaho by ourselves. Whitney was the perfect child sitting in a car for 19 hours...which would have been only 17 hours had we not gotten stuck in a traffic jam in Wyoming because of an accident. It was wonderful being in Idaho and being able to hang out with the family for several weeks!! We went to Boise and did lots of things around Idaho Falls. Wade flew in two weeks after we came out and we were able to have a nice little vacation in Idaho. We spent a few days in Island Park and Yellowstone and very much enjoyed driving around the park with the family.

Then, the 2nd of July, we crammed the car with Jerie, Whitney, Wade and I (as well as lots of luggage!!!) and headed to California. Wade had a conference in San Francisco, so Jerie came along to hang out with Whitney and I. Unfortunately, Jerie got really sick right before we left, so we mainly stayed in the hotel and relaxed lots!! Although, we did venture out one day and became lost in San Francisco looking for Fisherman's Wharf! After climbing several hills and what seemed like miles...we found it and enjoyed some very yummy clam chowder!  We also managed to see Wade's favorite team (the Oakland A's) and found Whitney a  very cute Athletics Outfit to wear to the game!!

We spent the 4th of July with Aunt Shirley and Uncle Mike, and did manage to get lost in San Francisco again looking for fireworks (so didn't get to see any) and because of this will be in Idaho this next 4th of July for the fireworks!!! After Wade's conference, we headed from cool San Fran to HOT Stockton for a few days to spend with family (Shirley, Mike, Jeff, Amy and Cassie).
  We went to Monterey...which was beautiful, Pebble Beach (Wade was in Heaven!!!) and then ate dinner at a place on the wharf (we have a wonderful story about Aunt Shirley...but that can be saved for later!!).    The second to last day we were in California, Whitney was able to meet her Great-Great Grandma Flo and we were able to take a 5 generation picture (doesn't happen very often!!!). It was a lot of fun hanging out with Great Grandma and have her hold Whitney (she didn't want to let her go when we had to leave). The last day was spent relaxing and watching some world cup before we headed back to Iowa. We had to stop back in Idaho to pick up some things as well as Gentry (our dog my parents had been taking care of) as he wasn't adjusting real well, so we were taking him back to where we got him from. So, we left Idaho early on a Tuesday morning with a very full car, two adults, a baby and a dog!! We made it home around 3 in the morning without anything crazy happening.
The rest of July and August went by quick as Wade prepared for the start of another school year (his 7th at William Penn) and I enjoyed my last few days of summer before heading back to subbing. We found a wonderful daycare for Whitney that she attends on the days that I sub. She doesn't seem to mind going there and the ladies are very nice (they have all voted her the cutest baby ever...although I think this is true...I think they tell every parent this!!!).
Right before school started..I was able to make a quick trip out to Idaho to spend Labor day weekend with the family and Jade as he was flying into Salt Lake. We stayed at Cherry Hills and had lots of fun! Whitney enjoyed the water and loved going down the water slide. We played mini golf, and just hung out relaxing. We did go shopping in Park City (found Whitney lots of cute outfits) and went on the alpine slide and had some yummy Mexican food! It was sad to leave, but we were excited to get back and see Wade.                                                                             September and October have been filled with many William Penn sporting events where Wade is working and Whitney and I watching the action...I do help with the football games, so Whitney likes hanging out with Wade's grad assistant Keena as we spot the game for Wade.  Golf, soccer and volleyball have also been events we go and watch/hang out.  I have been very busy with subbing, so bringing in extra money and being able to still be in the class room is always nice. 
       We were able to see Jade for a few days on his way home from school and right before he decided to roll his truck.  We are very glad he is okay, but Bubbles (as Jade calls Whitney) will not be riding with Uncle Jader anytime soon!!!  We have been able to sneak away a few times up to see Wade's family and relax a couple of weekends, but for the most part have been in Oskaloosa as the seasons go from summer to fall and eventually winter!!!!

Whitney has continued to grow and be such a wonderful little girl. She keeps us on our toes, but is a very calm and happy baby. She started crawling a few weeks ago, and now is a girl on the move. She loves to get into our canned food and plays with anything she can get her hands on especially remotes and phones. She doesn't have any teeth as of yet, but we keep thinking it is going to happen, but not yet.
Her hair has really become blond and has curls in it. However, she still has her mohawk on the top. Her eyelashes our ones to envy as they curl abover her eyebrows. We can't beleive she was just 10 months as they have flown by. She loves to chatter and hear her voice especially when her and mom are running in the PAC (William Penn's athletic building). She has said mama and dada a few times, but not calling us that just yet. Everyone who meets her says she is the happiest, calmest baby they we can only imagine what the second one will be like (this is not my way of telling you that we are expecting...that is still a ways off)!!

We hope everyone is doing well and I do apologizes it has been so long...we will try to update especially with the holidays coming up. We will be in Oskaloosa for Thanksgiving and Las Vegas for Christmas and Whitney's 1st birthday. Hoping the next few months bring happiness and joy!