
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

7 Weeks and Growing

It has been a few weeks since we have updated this as we have been super busy with lots of things!!! Whitney is growing every day and we can't believe that she will be 7 weeks tomorrow!!! She continues to be more aware of life around her! She loves watching her mobile in her swing and could spend hours watching the turtle, whale and fish go around in circle!!

Along with loving her swing, Whitney loves to cuddle with us!!! We probably give in more than we should, but we figure she will only be this small for a short amount of time! Plus, it is so easy to cuddle with such a cutie!!

Another cute thing she has started to do it sleep with her arms straight up in the air! It is so funny to watch. We can put her arms down and she will put them back up! So funny...that we have called Jodi's family and had them watch on the web cam. Not sure how her little shoulders don't hurt, but she continues to do it!

Other than that...we have enjoyed watching her grow and continue to gain a personality. We are very lucky as she sleeps more of the night with most nights getting up around 5:30 or so. She is like her parents in liking sleep! She enjoy going to the basketball games and walking with mom in the stroller. We can't believe how fast the time has flown! Jodi only has 3 and half more weeks before starting up subbing and is sad it has gone so fast. However, Whitney and Jodi will be flying to Idaho next week (should be exciting with her first plane ride!!!) to see the family!!! We are very excited to be able to go and see everyone!!! Two weeks won't be long enough, but we will miss Wade very much while we are out there!!! The next blog will probably be after we get back from Idaho, so stay tuned for all the exciting pictuers from the plane and Whit's first trip to the great state of Idaho to see Jodi's family and all the exciting things we are going to do!!!

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